Did You Know We Have A Magic Wand?
Before KeraStraight, Thick, Wild Frizzy Hair After KeraStraight
The man who gave us our secret weapon...
Jez Barnett, MD and Inventor of KeraStraight came to Cocco on Monday to educate the team. Jez travelled all the way from London before attending the Creative Head Awards being held back in London that night. He joined the team for a full day of advanced training on how to get 'that little bit more' from the smoothing treatment,especially on super thick, scary hair!
Despite the brand being known predominantly for taming thick, curly, frizzy, coarse hair textures and being huge with Asian and Afro-Caribbean clientele, it is amazing on super fine, thin and fragile hair too.
KeraStraight offers solutions to men and women's biggest hair problems and concerns. The 30 day intense boost treatment is a perfect and inexpensive way to totally transform your hair.
The protein treatment bulks and thickens the hair, while reconditioning and strengthening the hair from the inside out, perfect for clients who's hair is flat, fine and lacking volume. The moisture treatment delivers hydration and reduces frizz and makes hair much more manageable, especially in damp or humid weather making it a pre-holiday ritual for most women.
The intense boost is also a great introduction to its big sister the KeraStraight ULTIMATE treatment, lasting up to 4 months and with far greater taming power. The ULTIMATE treatment takes around 2.5 hours to complete and you can cut your styling and drying time right down. Alana (age 10) our model above's mum Jenny used to take 1.5 hours to wash, dry and straighten her hair and post-treatment we took less than 10 minutes to get the after results. This will be life changing for Alana & her mum Jenny who doesn't have the time for the hair drying and drama of thick curly hair. The treatment is a smoothing, straightening & conditioning service that can be used on everyone, even children and pregnant & breastfeeding ladies as it's so kind. After washing we combed her hair to remove any tangles and simply blast dried her hair using no brushes, irons or even clips to show exactly what this treatment was capable of minus hairdresser trickery!
This treatment is definitely our magic wand when it comes to helping clients in need, hair care has evolved so much in the last 15 years, imagine a world without GHD's or Olaplex, just think of the hair of the 80's! We no longer have to walk around like scary Mary or have to ask our friends to literally iron our hair.
We can and should have the hair we want...
Want to know more about KeraStraight solutions. Speak to one of our texture experts call 01332 292129 for a FREE consultation