Why Can't I Be Blonde?
Khloe Kardashian... Patience is needed when going light!
Blonde Blonde Blonde Blonde Blonde, Colourists everywhere are even dreaming about blonde!
Summer is just around the corner and i'd say half our enquiries are about achieving that perfect blonde.
Of course you can be blonde....... but not right now.
Unless you are lucky enough to be naturally blonde and you were very fair as a child, the ultra ash light blonde is often difficult and tricky to achieve.
On a base darker than a 6 (light brown to the untrained eye) there are more orange pigments present that can be more difficult to remove, the darker the hair, the more orange and red pigments will be lurking in your hair. The more red and orange pigments = more lightening sessions and the longer it will take. If the hair is damaged to start with, we will have to take it really slow to ensure your hair can take it. Its great to have a goal but when achieving blonde after you have been darker requires a lot of time, treatments, money and above all... pacience!
When in the midst of colour correction, the number 1 goal for the stylist is that you leave the salon with your condition of your hair.
Number 1! above anything else, there is no point getting the 3 hairs left on your head platinum is there? After all you didn't bring in a picture of Homer Simpson! #homerhairgoals
No matter how much you plead, cry, shout, stomp and beg, the strength of your hair will determine how long this process will take and what is possible in one session.
But the girls on Instagram can?!
Ok, some people can do it in 1 sitting, but did the instagram picture say how long that transformation took? 9 hours? 10? That's 10 hours of a 1-1 session with a colourist totally dedicated to you. Can you afford a 10 hour 1-1 session, thats roughly "5 sets of highlights" and cuts as @SophiaHilton01 @notanothersalon accurately pointed out. So if you can't afford it in one go, you start the journey with your stylist.
Even if you can afford it and have bags of cash like Khloe Kardashian, sometimes it just can't be done in 1 sitting, see the picture above, her's took 8 sessions! (that we know of). Bear in mind Khloe is wearing extensions, if you want to preserve the length and won't have what your stylist recommends cut off then it will take longer, remember those bright blonde foils you had 3 years ago, yup they're at the ends of your hair and too much lightening will make them fry!
Our Top Tips to getting that blonde
1) Cut off what your stylist recommends, they know how to speed the transformation up, would you rather lose 3 inches and save 2 colour appointments and £500?
2) Use professional home care, the more you do at home the more we can do in salon, invest in a professional Moisture and Protein mask and use them as much as you can! Ask your stylist what is best for your hair.
3) Don't pressure your stylist. They want that blonde as much as you do, a stressed flapping, over pressured stylist won't perform to the best of their ability. Tactfully spending 30 mins repeating ourselves that you wont get the blonde this time will only waste time and stresses everyone out.... we know!!!!! It will happen so much quicker if we spend more time doing your hair than having to explain the process for the 10th time, we love you very much but please trust us!
4) Upgrade to Vitaplex or Olaplex, this will protect and rebuild the bonds in your hair while you lighten giving you better lift and condition. Remember Kim Kardashian West's Platinum? That was thanks to Olaplex!
5) Remember We all want to be skinny on the first day at the gym,,, no matter how much we want it, without investing time, money and knowledge and patience it just wont happen!!!!!
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